Rett is an ever changing mystery – and it’s one we’re constantly trying to solve. Any little thing could be a clue to helping her with some of her symptoms. We obsess over it – just trying to do everything we can to help her.
When a doctor suggested we get her allergies checked we agreed it’d be a good idea. Though she exhibits no symptoms of allergies, that is typical of girls with Rett. They may have broken arms and exhibit no symptoms. Their pain receptors are typically high and their bodies don’t let them respond to injuries in the same way as you or I would. So, we thought allergies might take a little bit of guess work out of some little piece of the mystery. And then we got the results:
She’s allergic to everything! Well, everything except MSG. We talked to the doctor to see if there could be a mistake and he didn’t think there was. He thought it was unlikely she’s actually allergic to any of the things that came up barely over the limit in these charts, but it still made sense to avoid them. So we tried it. For two weeks. And she did not like it one bit. She screamed and yelled constantly – which is completely out of character for her. Maybe somehow all this stuff bound together to protect her?
We’re pulling her out of this diet and hope we can manage it without being crazy. But if we do go crazy, at least you’ll be able to solve the mystery.
Changes in diet can upset anybody, really. (Especially big, sudden changes.) Maybe slowly phasing out those most-risky foods would be a good idea, doing it gradually. It’d also be a good idea to refrain from eating them yourself as well, in solidarity. (She might be upset if she saw you eating the foods that she used to eat, and still wants.)
That’s a good thought. We’ll probably try again soon. It was all just too much – for all of us.