We didn’t know how Halloween was going to go, this year. It’s really only the second time she would have been trick or treating since she’s been born. It was too hectic last year. And the year before we went, but she barely cared. So this year was technically the first try at it.
It’s a hard and scary concept for most little kids, I imagine. The adults dress up scary and they put fake spiders everywhere. I’m confused why that happens to this day. I imagined Maggie would be doubly confused. I assumed she’d be overly anxious and she wouldn’t handle the transitions well to each individual house, and that it’d definitely be sensory overload.
So we put her in a very simple cloak for the school Halloween party, just in case she was frustrated by dressing up. So she went to school as Little Red Riding Hood. This was her reaction to all her classmate’s costumes.
And then we went out with a bunch of friends and we changed her into a different, slightly more elaborate costume:
Apparently we should stop being nervous about playing dress up with Maggie. Because apparently it’s her favorite thing to do.
Glad she had a good time. She is so precious. Aunt Bobbie
May she always shower you with positive surprises
Way to go, Maggie!
Maggie is adorable and is thoroughly enjoying the dress-up and activities. So much fun to see her enthusiasm. Precious memories for a super family!
Love from Aunt Brenda
Warms my heart to see that smile
Us too.