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When I look at her
I don’t see her arms flapping.
I see a little girl trying to fly.
When I look at her
I don’t see a girl struggling to breathe
I see a girl who takes my breath away
When I look at her
I don’t see a girl who walks with a hitch
I see a girl who walks with a skip.
When I look at her
I don’t see a severe disability.
I see a little girl.
Share this post if you see what I see.
Beautiful poem about a beautiful girl.
A,J, I see wat you see. A beautiful girl. Love the poem. Aunt Bobbie
What a poignant poem. It says it all so beautifully!
I am thirteen and I have been watching your YouTube channel Maggie is such a beautiful little girl. I hope they find a cure for Rett syndrome to help her I adore little kids so much and would love to know where you guys live so maybe i could meet maggie and maybe be able to try playing with her hand over hand because of her hand wringing and give maggie a new playmate to do some tandem yoga with her
I see a world that loves our sweet granddaughter.
A family that would do anything
To find a cure.
And family,friends and organizations are coming after you rett. You will not survive
Much longer.