I wish she had idle hands. She doesn’t She has hands that won’t stop moving. At times, like now, they won’t stop moving extremely violently. Right now she can’t control them at all. I watch as she stares at them moving, and I wonder if she’s wondering how to stop them. I wonder if she knows that’s exactly what I’m wondering. She punches her own chin. Full force punches. Why would someone do that? Why would someone do that and have no real reaction to it? It doesn’t scare her. It doesn’t hurt her. She just does it again.
Soon, much like all of the symptoms we’ve seen pop up, I’m sure this one will lessen. At least, I’m hopeful it does and soon. But in the meanwhile we’re trying everything – we try disciplining her, we try ignoring it, we try bracing, we’re looking into supplements. Unfortunately when it gets this bad, nothing seems to help. Right now she’s not even holding stuff as well as she was – but we just have to double down, work harder, force her not to give up. Especially when a treatment is so close.
Between this and her being non-verbal, I’m not sure which is worse, but I definitely want them both to go away.