This past week, Maggie needed to dress up for school as her hero or a hero. When I found out, I asked her, do you want to dress up as Elsa or Merida, we have both costumes and they are Continue Reading
The summary of Maggie in 2015
Last week I wrote about the science and how far it’s progressed. This week I wanted to reflect on how Maggie has changed, how much she has accomplished, how Rett Syndrome continues to affect her and how she continues to Continue Reading
Cooking with Maggie
We’ve talked a lot about hand over hand exercises on this blog and have assumed that most people reading this go “oh yeah, I know what that means, I do it all the time.” But I realize I wouldn’t have Continue Reading
An Actual Conversation With Maggie
We got the Eye Gaze Computer!!! After a very hard fought battle with the district, they gave us the communication device Maggie needed. They wanted to help the whole time, there were just a lot of hoops we had to Continue Reading
Maggie on the news
The news did a story on us back in August when we put out the video ( It airs Wednesday, November 12th, on KCal9 at 10:00 PM. If you’re not local, here’s the story: I’m not sure what we said at Continue Reading