We had a packed weekend, which I love. Saturday, Magnolia was to have gymnastics in the morning and Gray asked to go climb a mountain. So Mags and I had fun going to gymnastics while AJ took Gray to hike Continue Reading
I’m running a triathlon for Maggie
I have seen people run races for causes. I have heard that this is a thing people do. But I am not a runner. I am not a biker. I am not a swimmer. I am just a dad who Continue Reading
Memorial Day weekend
Holidays can be stressful. All holidays. Right now, Maggie is so exhausted from her new seizure medications, on a day to day basis, we never know what to expect. There are plenty of days, we find ourselves tied to the Continue Reading
Cali Snow Day
When the weather dumps rain all over Los Angeles and dumps snow in the mountains. Sometimes you just need to make a trip to play in the snow. Living in Los Angeles, we are only an hour and a half Continue Reading
Last Day of Pre-K
With Betsy Devos’ hearing making national headlines this week, I thought it’d be helpful to share why a federal focus on special needs education is so important to us. Maggie “graduated” from Pre-k last summer. She wasn’t there. But she Continue Reading
Last Day Of School
Year 1 of school is in the books. Hard to believe how difficult a decision it was for us to even send her to school. We were so nervous that she would lose more of her hand function, more of Continue Reading
Memorial Day and Communication
We’ve been trialling a different eye gaze computer for the last few weeks. Susan Norwell, one of the respected experts in Rett Syndrome communication, came to visit and gave us a real kick in the pants – in a good way Continue Reading
Just a normal Labor Day
We traveled to New York for the Labor Day weekend to see my parents and Maggie’s cousins, uncles and aunts for a weekend at my parents house, all under one roof. We did the same thing a few summers ago, and Continue Reading
First Day of School
There has been a lot of stress and anxiousness preparing for Maggie’s first day of school. Ours not hers. We kept telling Maggie that she was going to be going to school and it was going to be fun. She didn’t really care, but how could Continue Reading