Everyday I try to focus on the positive. I thought I would share some of my positivity with you. Here’s 10 moments during this pandemic that have made me realize, life isn’t so bad. (scroll down for blog) Top 10 Continue Reading
They thought they would teach their daughter about the world Instead they have to teach the world about their daughter
Everyday I try to focus on the positive. I thought I would share some of my positivity with you. Here’s 10 moments during this pandemic that have made me realize, life isn’t so bad. (scroll down for blog) Top 10 Continue Reading
“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.” – William Arthur Ward We’re excited for a time when we can all get through this and we can get back to normal. Continue Reading
Life was finally moving in a smooth direction. In late February, thanks to new dosing of medications, her seizures were back to being under control, her breathing issues went from a constant struggle to a regular but not constant problem Continue Reading
We have a special treat. Sara Polon reached out to us a few years ago and has been consistently supporting us by raising awareness for Rett Syndrome, fundraising through her business, Soupergirl; and sending us soup to lift our spirits Continue Reading
I have mixed emotions when I travel away from Jenny, Maggie and Gray. On one hand, things are hard at home and it’s a struggle to stay on top of everything when both of us are home, making me feeling Continue Reading
Summer has begun for everyone, at least in our hemisphere. On social media I have seen families sending their kids off to camps, going on family trips and also just swimming by the pool. It’s been a tough few months Continue Reading
I’m not sad. I’m angry with Rett Syndrome. We are in a very strange and confusing place as parents – not just parents of a beautiful child with special needs; not just parents of a brave girl with Rett Syndrome; Continue Reading
Maggie is a full time job. Technically she’s a full time job for 3 people. And even then, it’s a lot. This weekend, Jenny took Grayden out of town for his spring break. I can only assume they’ve been busy Continue Reading
Before Rett Syndrome, before hospital visits and a scary diagnosis. We were just a tiny family dealing with ordinary issues. I thought I would do a flashback post to when Magnolia was one year old and we went to Aruba. Continue Reading
Sometimes the smallest of moments show us the beauty of life. Those same moments can also be heart wrenching. I had one of those moments this past weekend. It was simple, it was nothing, it was beautiful, it was brutal. Continue Reading