Before Rett Syndrome, before hospital visits and a scary diagnosis. We were just a tiny family dealing with ordinary issues. I thought I would do a flashback post to when Magnolia was one year old and we went to Aruba. Continue Reading
They thought they would teach their daughter about the world Instead they have to teach the world about their daughter
Before Rett Syndrome, before hospital visits and a scary diagnosis. We were just a tiny family dealing with ordinary issues. I thought I would do a flashback post to when Magnolia was one year old and we went to Aruba. Continue Reading
Sometimes the smallest of moments show us the beauty of life. Those same moments can also be heart wrenching. I had one of those moments this past weekend. It was simple, it was nothing, it was beautiful, it was brutal. Continue Reading
Newton’s 3rd law states…”For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”. I’m starting to think that pertains to our life right now. Whenever our life swings in one direction, its not very long that it seems to swing Continue Reading
If we get to sleep, I usually wake up positive. This has been a big shift for me over the past five years. I didn’t use to wake up positive. Honestly, I was living in a fog. The fog of Continue Reading
We love to travel. It has been immensely harder for us the past five years. Since flying became so hard,the past couple of years we have really tried to incorporate more family adventures that involved driving. We have had some Continue Reading
On December 17, 2013, Magnolia was diagnosed with Rett Syndrome. That was five years ago. So much has happened in the last five years – Rett has progressed, science has gotten closer to a cure and we have gotten stronger. Continue Reading
There are so many reasons we love the Virtual Academy homeschool program for Mags. Her schedule is flexible, her health is better (colds, flus, viruses, not Rett not yet) it really has been a good program for her. The best Continue Reading
Why we do yoga… Yoga has been a part of my life for awhile. I’ve taken yoga classes off and on for the past twenty years. I’ve always loved it as a workout. When Magnolia was 2 years old, I Continue Reading
There are a lot of ways we can measure our journey with Rett Syndrome. We can measure by the way we have grown and adapted, by what we have done to fundraise or raise awareness. The reality is the most Continue Reading
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked, “Do you see how well Gray is doing?” “Isn’t it exciting how well he is doing?” “Have you noticed how well he is doing?” I think these are all questions Continue Reading